Discover the Truth About Killer Oils
Can You Handle the Truth?
In today’s eye opening LifefireTV episode Vanessa lays out the truth for you about killer oils! No matter what you’ve heard before, this information is research proven and a must hear/read. Take your health in your hands and enlighten yourself by watching the video below!
I’m hear to shed some light on one of the greatest nutritional lies that’s every been told. Ingesting any form of oil is NOT good for your body. Allow me to take you through some proven points!
1. Oils are concentrated calories and fats with very little nutritional value – We all have, or had, this visual that olive oil was effortlessly lubing us up inside.. That’s definitely not the case.
Researchers have performed studies with a tourniquet arm test, and with as little as 1 tablespoon of oil our arteries constrict for up to 6 hours.
This is the same constriction that happens when you eat a cheeseburger and fries! (Just not as much fun)
2. What is the truth about how most oils are processed? Let’s start with a few of the most popular oils: Soy bean, canola, cotton seed, peanut, rape seed, sesame oil.. and more.
Industrial vegetable and seed oils are processed using factories, machines, and CHEMICALS like Hexane. Hexanes are significant constituents of gasoline. What does this mean? Well, let’s think about this: We put gasoline in our cars and oil in our bodies.. but they both have the same chemical… Something is definitely wrong with this!
3. Plain and Simple – Olive oil is NOT good for your heart – I hear, all the time, from my clients, “What about olive oil!? I just heard this great new study that olive oil lowers the risk of heart disease!” Every time I hear that I think of my dear mentor Dr. John McDougal where he’s said,
“People love to hear good news about their bad habits”
So here’s the story, many of those pro olive oil stories are based on the Mediterranean diet. This diet does contain many plant-based foods (just like we recommend in the Plantfire diet) and eating the Mediterranean diet is a huge improvement on eating a Standard American (SAD) Diet.
It’s now become clear, to many experts, that the relative success of the Mediterranean Diet is in spite of the inclusion of olive oil, not because of it. Keep in mind, there has yet to be a study that shows a diet full of olive oil that is better for you than a plant-based oil-free diet.
4. Coconut Oil is a Healthy Alternative – NOT! Coconut oil is a saturated fat, just like the fat that’s in beef, eggs, cheese and butter. Saturated fatty acids tend to raise the LDL cholesterol, that’s the bad cholesterol in your blood. Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol are associated with heart disease.
Now you may be thinking, “Oh no, what am I going to do with my jar of coconut oil?” Fear not! Coconut oil is actually fabulous for your skin and the molecules are too large for your body to absorb so go ahead and lather up! Just don’t ingest it.
I want to be clear – fat is an essential part of our diets, they’re called essential fatty acids for a reason! That being said, you can get all of the healthy fat you need by enjoying the whole food form of avocados, nuts, seeds, hemp seed, chia seed, flax seed, and more!
If you’re currently wondering how you can start an oil free lifestyle.. I have the answer for you! Come to the homepage of and sign up for our weekly recipes, videos, and get free access to our ever growing recipe section.. all of which is oil-free!
Question: What are your fears about eating a healthy diet? Why are you still afraid to let go of oil? If you’re oil-free tell me how your life has improved since cutting out that killer oil.. in the comments section below!
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Hi my beautiful mentor — LOVE that shirt
Love the video more! The oil conversation always a fun one with clients, you did a great job of keeping it simple! People always ask “how do I cook without it”,,, maybe you can have a future video clip showing some different ways of cooking veges with no oil. I just use water instead but I know there are many other choices
Plant Strong Rules! Love seeing Rip get products in the big stores! yay!
Hi Patty! Thank you for your feedback
Amazing suggestion about the How-To’s.. I have some awesome content, just like this, planned for Season 2 of LifefireTV! Updates coming soon