The Dark Side of Dairy
Tons of Calcium in Milk..? Try Cancer & Pus!
In this episode of LifefireTV I’m giving you the skinny as to why dairy is horrible for our bodies. I’m going to break down the top 6 Dangers of Dairy. This is one of our best videos to date – highly information (really gross) and convicting! Trust me, you do not want to miss out on this! I’ve compiled years of research, studying and training to give you a plethora of hardcore facts.
I used to be so thoroughly addicted to dairy! I was hooked, I needed it at every meal, and my friends and family even called me The Cheese Monkey! (Not my proudest moment)
I want to equip you with the information you need to truly make a solid decision for your health. I want to shed light on the dark, bad benefits that no one else is telling you about. I encourage you to watch the video above to get this message in full detail. Here are the top 6 Dangers of Dairy and highlight facts:
1. Casein – In the book the China Study, which is the largest nutritional study ever done, Dr. T. Colin Campbell did a study with Casein. He took this element out of milk and started feeding it to rats. After the rats had more than 5% of the Casein the cancer rates started to sky rocket, by the time they hit 20% their health was horrendous. As soon as they stopped feeding the rats Casein the cancer dissipated. We are putting this cancer feeding chemical into our bodies every time we drink a glass of milk.
2. Dairy has Been Linked to Multiple Auto-Immune Diseases – Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Graves Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and more. The theory here is Molecular Mimicry.. sometimes, our bodies cannot distinguish the difference between our own proteins and the proteins that are found in dairy. So the body unknowingly pulls the proteins from dairy and gets all of the toxins with it, which in turn feeds the disease oriented cells. There is a light at the end of the tunnel – many people who have developed these diseases and then cut dairy out of their diets have had profound improvements in their health.
3. Lactose Intolerant – Over 75% of the world is Lactose Intolerant. You may not currently know.. but have you ever noticed the need to ‘Go, Go ,Go’ after a meal? Uncomfortable gas, awkward belching.. need I say more?
4. Dairy is Mucus Producing – When you fill your body with things it doesn’t want, or elements that aren’t working well inside of you, it will try to reject them. It manifests itself through your largest organ, the skin. Ever notice an acne break out, unwanted phlem, psoriasis, eczema.. that is your body’s way of saying, “Help! I don’t want these toxins!”
5. Osteoporosis – We are all raised with the belief that drinking a glass of milk fills us with our needed calcium. Milk is actually highly acidic and leaches the calcium from our bones in order to neutralize the toxins. The leading cause in Osteoporosis victims is dairy.. avoid this harsh health side effect by ditching the milk and keeping your bones strong!
6. Pus – Have you ever wondered how milk gets that creamy, white color? You can thank pus for that. Most dairy farms mechanically extract milk from the udders, the udders get infected and that goes straight into the milk supply. There is literally pus in every glass of milk you drink.. ewww!
Now you might be saying, “Okay, I get it! I am going dairy free, sign me up! But wait.. what do I substitute for milk. where do I get my calcium?” Fear not! I have a plethora of amazing, plant based options.
Rice milk, Almond Milk, Pistachio Milk, Coconut Milk, Hemp Seed Milk, Brown Rice Milk – all of these are awesome options!
For calcium try Bok Choy, Broccoli or Kale they are all powerhouses of calcium!
I’d like to hear your feedback in the comments section below! How has the episode affected you? Are you a seasoned Non-Dairy veteran, share your story and help those aspiring to a lifestyle like yours! Are you a newbie to this healthy living, are you afraid to get rid of your dairy addictions? Share your thoughts, woes and questions with me.. I have the answers for you!
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Very informative, great work!
Thank you, Fabiana! I’m glad you enjoyed it