Vegan vs. Plant-Based.. What’s the Difference?
Did You Know That Everyone Has a Hidden Super Power?
Do you know what yours is? Maybe that you’re a great mom, you have a killer smile, or the most caring heart ever.. But, did you know that it’s possible to take these amazing qualities and enhance them into action packed super powers!? Watch the video below to learn about becoming the most vibrant version of yourself:
Here at LifefireTV we would first like to say thank you to the true Superheroes, those that have given their service, support, and in some cases – lives to protect us, then and now. Remembering all of those that sacrificed so much, 12 years ago today, is the best way to truly honor them.
But today is also about hope! So we’re going to talk about what hope means to Lifefire, and how this can impact your life in amazing ways.
Vanessa spent countless hours, days, weeks soaking up all of the healthy knowledge she could find, and there are many conflicting views and opinions, to say the least. Then one day someone gifted her the best possible source of knowledge – The China Study. It all came together, because suddenly nutrition had science behind it. So now you may be saying, so what does Vanessa believe? Which method does she follow?
To explain this, let’s first take a peak at our healthy lifestyle options so you better understand the Plantfire vision and science behind it all.
1. Vegan – Vegans do not eat anything that has a mama or comes with a face. So absolutely no meat, no dairy and no fowl. They also take it a step further and decide not to wear any products that come from an animal, such as leather. But there is a whole other layer of confusion behind this.. You can be a “Vegan” but still consume soda pop, potato chips, oreo cookies and be within the guidelines. That is a definite No-Go when living a healthy lifestyle!
2. Vegetarian – Vegetarians do not consume meat, but they do still eat the artery clogging dairy and eggs. Their diet options are very similar to a Vegan’s and again if someone is eating within the Vegetarian guidelines it is still possible to never have a fruit or veggie touch their lips.
3. Plantbased – A plant based lifestyle is made up of only whole foods, allows zero oil, and again – no consumption of anything with a mama or a face! With the Plantbased lifestyle you will be eating a rainbow of fruits, vegetables, grains and more. Your life will be packed with Vitamins, Minerals, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin D, Protein and Omega 3. This well rounded, satisfying and completely delicious lifestyle is the Plantfire way.. and Vanessa’s secret to flawless skin and endless energy!
Now let’s talk a bit more about your superpowers!
Plantfire Superhero Mission Statement – Good Nutrition Trumps All!
If you are living the Plantfire Plantbased lifestyle you will gain the power to:
1. Halt and reverse every major chronic disease! Be it heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. Now that’s a pretty amazing super power if I do say so myself!
2. Have endless, bountiful energy from morning to night! (Caffeine free)
3. Suddenly be able to think clearer than ever and diffuse some of that ‘brain fog.’
4. Look and feel amazing! Your waist line will slim down (all without counting any calories) your hair, skin and nails will be more beautiful, strong, and shiny!
Get a head start and extra guidance on tapping into your plant based super power by downloading the FREE Plantfire 3-Day Cleanse eBook! Click here to rid yourself of negative toxins, effortlessly lose excess weight, gain endless energy, and mental clarity.
Make sure to subscribe to receive these weekly episodes, recipes, inspirations and a free copy of my eBook -Gratitude: A Plantfire 4-Course Meal – straight to your inbox!
If you are new to Lifefire TV, take a look at some of my greatest hits!
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I’d like to hear from you in the comments below! What is your super power? Which healthy lifestyle do you live? Do you have any stories or ‘Thank Yous’, about 911, that you’d like to shout out?
Thank you for this info!
You’re welcome
I know sometimes the differing healthy lifestyles can get confusing!
I’m a vegetarian for almost 3 years now. What are your alternatives in using coconut oil because I read some studies that it is essentially good for metabolism.
You’re really doing great work, and your videos are so beautiful!
Good for you!
xo Sari
Thank you, Sari! That is so sweet
I always appreciate hearing your feedback!
Xoxo -V