How to Avoid GMOs as a Consumer
In today’s LifefireTV episode Vanessa is going to break down GMOs and how to avoid ingesting these mutations.. Do you know exactly what a GMO is? Do you know if you’ve been ingesting them? Do you ever feel overwhelmed with trying to avoid certain elements when shopping? Vanessa has 4 amazing tips to help you feed yourself, and your family, a healthy diet.. with ease!
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) – A broad group of plants, animals and bacterias that are engineered for a variety of applications. Ranging from agricultural production to scientific research.. that have all been studied with frightening outcomes.
GMO effects – Ranging from weight gain to organ disruption and tumors we’ve only scratched the surface on all of these lab created mutations.
Here are Lifefire’s Top 4 Ways to Avoid GMOs as a Consumer:
1. Buy Organic – Generally speaking buying products that are 100% organic means they do not contain any GMO.
2. Look for Non-GMO Project Seals – Non-GMO Project is an independent organization dedicated to providing consumers with clearly labeled and independently verified non-gmo choices. They have placed their label on items that have been thoroughly checked, and approved, for a lack of GMO.
3. Avoid At-Risk Ingredients – if it’s not labeled organic or Non-GMO then avoid these products as they be derived from GMOs.
Remember these 8 high risk GMO crops:
-Sugar Beets
-Yellow Squash
4. Label lookout – On your package look for the words ‘Non-GMO’ or ‘Not From Genetically Modified Organism.’ This also may be indicated in a foot note that’s the font size of the ingredient list.
So now you may be wondering – Does it really matter if I eat some GMO products? Yes! We are not a science project. Human health and safety should never be compromised!
I have a plethora of recipes available on my website, all of which contains ingredients that are GMO free! Eat delicious, plant-based meals while shopping with ease/ getting an education on various products and label reading.
Do you want to learn more about the harmful effects of GMO and how to live a clean life? There is a GMO Mini-Summit happening in just a couple of days with some of the leading experts on GMO! Check out the registration page here!
Now, let’s get this discussion ball started! What is your understanding of GMO? What have you done, as a consumer, to boot GMO out of you and your families lives? If you have any info not included in this video please share it in the comments section, we want to spread the word to everyone!
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Hi Vanessa
This weekend is a free GMO-Mimi Summit you may be interested in.
Webb site is Starts on Friday 10/25- Sunday 10/27
Happy Birthday
Hi Barbara,
Thank you for adding the info! I actually have the GMO Mini-Summit listed out towards the bottom of the blog with a link to the registration page for ease of reference. I hope you have a great day
Thank you for the Birthday wish!
GMO is indeed alarming nowadays! Thanks for the tips Vanessa!
Agreed! And you are more than welcome, Phoenix! Thank you for tuning in
I have been working for an NGO that supports clean and green movement and saving the planet as best as we can… It is very sad to know that even our food are slowly killing us. I for one agree with you Vanessa that it is better to go back to the basics- fruits & vegetables.
Hi Ann,
Good on you for working to make a difference, especially with a clean and green movement/ saving the planet! Fruits & Veggies (especially bought local) are always a good idea to keep ourselves GMO free, but they’re also such a vibrant lifestyle choice. They do not have to be a “boring” raw meal. I hope that people, like you and I, understand that there’s no need to think eating clean is like eating “rabbit food” .. it’s just fueling your body the natural way!
I support the NON GMO project, let’s go and push for NON GMO products!!! PUSH!!!
PUSH PUSH PUSH! I agree, Madame! Thanks for your healthy support on Non-Gmo Products
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