Top 5 Benefits of Meditation
“Now, I know what you’re thinking, meditation is one of those,
‘HummmmDingaDing!'” -Vanessa Chamberlin
Here we are at one of my favorite, most content packed episodes of Lifefire with Vanessa Chamberlin. This episode truly sparks such excitement in me because I cannot wait to share the message of meditation with you and see your unbelievable results.
No matter where you are currently, on your journey to a healthy lifestyle, meditation is the key factor to pull everything together. Once you start regularly meditating your mind will open up in ways you never thought possible..
You will have total clarity, you will be in touch with parts of yourself you didn’t realize were there, you will experience a renewed boost of brain power in all projects, and more.
I cannot wait to see the intense calm and happiness that bestows itself into your everyday life, plus the soon-to-be exhilarated relationships all around you!
As one of my favorite, classic quotes says:
“The Way to do is to be.” -Lao Tzu
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I want to hear from you! I want to hear your feedback, your questions, your stories. Share with me in the comments below anything that is on your mind about meditation or living a healthy lifestyle.
I am here to provide you with the content that you need.. to answer those burning questions you can’t seem to squelch, please let me know if there are any specific topics you would like me to cover and I will take them into consideration.
Love the video and the valuable content you share here, Vanessa – more please!
My mind is full of worries whether God created man or h umans r evolve by Darwins heory of evolution .So i am not able to relax n i am always in to relax my mind.
The most important thing is to learn to relax the mind and not judge our thoughts. It is healthy to question and wonder or even investigate our life’s purpose, or how we came to be.. but stressing about these things is definitely not. We are meant to enjoy this amazing life that we have been given. Meditation is a means to bring that joy back into ourselves and our life by allowing our overly cluttered minds an opportunity to rest and regroup.
Try envisioning your thoughts like clouds – see them, acknowledge them, and then let them float by. They will surely come in again and again during your meditation but by not judging them there is actually less control that the thoughts have over your mind.. the power that these thoughts hold on you will slowly dissipate.. I hope this helps!
Beautiful Healthy Hugs, V
I started with a simple inhale of four breaths through the nose, hold for 3 breaths. then exhale for 7 counts though the mouth. Repeat 3 times,,, do that twice a day,, AMAZING the change in your mind and body!
I love it! Those are great increments for your breathing. That will definitely help anyone get right into their peaceful state of mind