Strawberry Crunch Salad
1 cup Fresh Strawberries
2 1/2 cups Spinach
1/2 lemon
1 Green Apple
1/2 cup shelled Pistachios
1/2 cup Tangerines
1/4 cup Fresh Basil
Pepper, to taste
1. Put spinach in the bowl, as your base
2. Chop the strawberries and put them in the bowl
3. Chop the green apple in small pieces then add it
4. Sprinkle some pistachios
5. Now for the dressing:
a.) cut the lemon into wedges, then squeeze the juice in the salad, and
b.) squeeze the juice of the tangerines in the salad as well
6. Top it with some fresh basil
7. Put in some fresh cracked pepper to season
This amazing recipe was also featured on my Meatless Monday blog! Click here to get further healthy information on this delicious meal.