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Looking for calcium… Got Bok Choy?
Before you reach for another glass of white puss filled liquid meat to get your calcium, why not try some delicious Bok Choy instead? Although the dairy council with its several hundred million dollar advertising budget would like you to believe that dairy is the best and only way to get the calcium our…

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A Little Post From My Heart.
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Season Finale + Kick Sugar to the Curb!
An Ending is Only an Opportunity for a New Beginning! Today marks the finale of season 1 of LifefireTV.. In today’s episode we’re going to take a quick and fun trip down memory lane, recanting some of our stand out moments from Season 1! But, with every ending comes a new beginning, a new opportunity, and new room…
Vegan fine dining at Sara Weiner in Berlin Germany
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I bet you can’t eat just one…
I have always loved anything with coconut, but add chocolate and my love affair turns into a full blown obsession. This week’s coconut macaroon recipe is definitely a homerun in the decadent dessert department. I was never really a big fan of traditional macaroons filled with butter and oil, but once we figured out how to create…
Looking for calcium… Got Bok Choy?
Before you reach for another glass of white puss filled liquid meat to get your calcium, why not try some delicious Bok Choy instead? Although the dairy council with its several hundred million dollar advertising budget would like you to believe that dairy is the best and only way to get the calcium our…

Are you a good receiver?
“I love your outfit….You reply… This old dress?” “You have the cutest hairstyle…You reply…Thanks, but it’s such a mess right now.” “Oh you shouldn’t have…I told you not to get me anything.” “You look fabulous… have you lost weight…You reply…Oh my Gosh no…I think I have actually put on a few pounds.” Sound familiar? I…

A Little Post From My Heart.
Somethings in life are better the old fashioned way…. I’ve been enjoying a beautiful summer adventure in Europe. My younger daughters Bianca and Bella and I have spent the last several weeks visiting my eldest daughter Brittany and my sweet grand children who live in Berlin, Germany. The weather has been a bit bi-polar vacillating…

Season Finale + Kick Sugar to the Curb!
An Ending is Only an Opportunity for a New Beginning! Today marks the finale of season 1 of LifefireTV.. In today’s episode we’re going to take a quick and fun trip down memory lane, recanting some of our stand out moments from Season 1! But, with every ending comes a new beginning, a new opportunity, and new room…
Vegan fine dining at Sara Weiner in Berlin Germany
One of my most memorable meals in Germany was definitely the meal my daughter and I shared at the Sara Weiner restaurant just a stones throw away from her apartment. We had to book almost a week out because this little gem is definitely a hotspot! Brittany had eaten here several times before so when…

I bet you can’t eat just one…
I have always loved anything with coconut, but add chocolate and my love affair turns into a full blown obsession. This week’s coconut macaroon recipe is definitely a homerun in the decadent dessert department. I was never really a big fan of traditional macaroons filled with butter and oil, but once we figured out how to create…
Looking for calcium… Got Bok Choy?
Before you reach for another glass of white puss filled liquid meat to get your calcium, why not try some delicious Bok Choy instead? Although the dairy council with its several hundred million dollar advertising budget would like you to believe that dairy is the best and only way to get the calcium our…

Are you a good receiver?
“I love your outfit….You reply… This old dress?” “You have the cutest hairstyle…You reply…Thanks, but it’s such a mess right now.” “Oh you shouldn’t have…I told you not to get me anything.” “You look fabulous… have you lost weight…You reply…Oh my Gosh no…I think I have actually put on a few pounds.” Sound familiar? I…

A Little Post From My Heart.
Somethings in life are better the old fashioned way…. I’ve been enjoying a beautiful summer adventure in Europe. My younger daughters Bianca and Bella and I have spent the last several weeks visiting my eldest daughter Brittany and my sweet grand children who live in Berlin, Germany. The weather has been a bit bi-polar vacillating…

Season Finale + Kick Sugar to the Curb!
An Ending is Only an Opportunity for a New Beginning! Today marks the finale of season 1 of LifefireTV.. In today’s episode we’re going to take a quick and fun trip down memory lane, recanting some of our stand out moments from Season 1! But, with every ending comes a new beginning, a new opportunity, and new room…
Vegan fine dining at Sara Weiner in Berlin Germany
One of my most memorable meals in Germany was definitely the meal my daughter and I shared at the Sara Weiner restaurant just a stones throw away from her apartment. We had to book almost a week out because this little gem is definitely a hotspot! Brittany had eaten here several times before so when…

I bet you can’t eat just one…
I have always loved anything with coconut, but add chocolate and my love affair turns into a full blown obsession. This week’s coconut macaroon recipe is definitely a homerun in the decadent dessert department. I was never really a big fan of traditional macaroons filled with butter and oil, but once we figured out how to create…