Meatless Monday – Japanese Sweet & Tangy Salad
Get Ready for the Easiest Salad you will Ever Prepare!
Allow me to introduce today’s cast of characters: Radish, Cucumber, Carrot, and Seasoned Rice Vinegar. Now this may sound like a simple lineup.. but when the flavors come together you’re palate is left in sweet & tangy paradise. Despite the overwhelming flavor of.. Delicious! Let me give you some fun information about the health benefits of this gorgeous salad. (Your body will be singing your praises!)
Radishes – Beyond the natural zing and satisfying crunch they provide, here are nine reasons to eat your radishes!
1. They’re a natural coolant. Properties within the radish are known to help get rid of excess heat (often warding off fevers, which is great this time of year!)
2. Radishes help sooth sore throats, their natural spice can help eliminate excess mucus in the body and can be especially helpful when fighting a cold.
3. Radishes aid your digestion.. enough said!
4. Because of radishes high Vitamin C content, they help to prevent viral infections.
5. They have properties that help eliminate toxins.. beat the bloat and eat some radishes!
6. As a member of the cruciferous vegetable family (same family as broccoli and cabbage) radishes contain phytonutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals that are cancer protecting.
7. Radishes help with indigestion, they have a calming effect that the body responds well to.
8. Low in calories.. high in nutrients!
9. Radishes keep you hydrated, so eat/ drink up!
Seasoned Rice Vinegar – Rice vinegar is especially rich in flavor and amino acids, making it a highly beneficial ingredient for a healthy diet, according to and Livestrong. The amino acids present in rice vinegar serve a number of health benefits and provide medicinal effects for the body. Rice vinegar naturally helps prevent the build up of fatty peroxides which helps with the aging process! Plus, Rice Vinegar is a huge nutrient absorbent, so it will only enhance your eating experience.
Here is the Japanese Sweet & Tangy Salad Recipe! (Serves 2)
2 Radish bulbs
1 Carrot
1 Cucumber
2 tbsp of Seasoned Rice Vinegar
1. Using a mandolin slicer or a knife cut each vegetable into small strips.
2. Add all sliced veggies to a bowl, drizzle Seasoned Rice Vinegar over top, and mix together.
3. Serve and enjoy!
Questions: What’s your favorite ingredient in this salad? Do you have any requests for future Meatless Monday recipes?
Did this recipe speak to your palate? Take a look at my recipe page!
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thank you for sharing Japanese salad.
Absolutely! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed this week’s recipe