Letting Go Of Societies Beauty Rules
For most of my life, I allowed The grip of “societies rules” on what beauty “looked like” to all but smother me.
Fighting against anything that made me look older.
Grey hair was a big “No No” if a women wanted to remain “glamous,lovable, or even viable In Society.
On September 2019, one month before my 50th birthday, I made the decision to ditch the hair dye, and share my grey hair journey on social media.
From the beginning, I knew that this journey was going to be much more than just about hair color- this was going to be a radical deep dive into self acceptance.
During the process of slowly growing out my gray hair, I worked hard at letting go of the false beliefs
that aging in any form, makes one less beautiful, vibrant or valuable as a woman.
Having gray hair, Is not about letting yourself go – it’s about “letting go” of the old antiquated thinking.
I now realize that there is a beautiful grace in accepting the seasons of our life.
There is nothing more beautiful than a woman comfortable in her own skin.
And …
A women at peace with her gray hair, coupled with aging wisdom, is actually Incredibly sexy.
My passion and mission In life continues to be, about teaching women to love themselves from the inside out- no matter what their age, or hair color.
Through my own grey hair journey,
It’s been a privilege to inspire and champion so many other women, both younger and older, to start letting go of what no longer serves them.
To witness so many other beautiful women experiencing the same inner peace, joy,and freedom that comes with letting go of the hair dye,
has been nothing short of extraordinary.
My wish for my 3 daughters, 2 granddaughters, and the next generation of women- is that they learn the valuable Lesson of loving themselves at a much younger age than I did.
When the foundation of self-love is strong, then and only then, can we step into our true greatness as women.
Beautiful healthy hugs,
Vanessa chamberlin
Aka – Silverliberation
Hair Biology