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Movie day with family and friends!
Bianca here !I went to see AVATAR with the Litt family! I loved it so much. wait a minute I forgot to include my family of course my healthy family.My mom packed her dried apples but she let me have some popcorn with no butter but a little bit of oil for a treat. I…
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Gratitude and Community
I can’t think of two words that go together better than gratitude and community….hmmmm maybe peanut butter and jelly..but you know what I mean…..having a community that you are truly grateful is pretty juicy stuff! Watch this video to see how you can have your own sense of gratitude just like me! [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column…
Kids say the darndest things!
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5 Tips for a Happy & Healthy Plant-Based Thanksgiving (As Featured on HuffingtonPost.Com)
People often worry about how a lifestyle change—even one that is positive and healthful in every way—will affect things in their life that they already like. A tough one is holidays.

Meatless Monday – Sweet Dreams With A Cherry On Top Smoothie
A Magical Blend Of Sweetness! The beautiful creamy creation I offer today is an all around wellness drink- delicious, nourishing and easy! Another awesome addition to your favorite list is the Sweet Dreams With a Cherry On Top Smoothie! A mouth-watering blend of cherries and bananas, which are perfect fruits for a smoothie with all…