Have you ever tried cantaloupe salsa?
The summer may be coming to an end, but here in Las Vegas, Nevada the weather is still a scorching 102 degrees. While I must admit this seems actually mild compared to the summer highs of 118 degrees, it is still a bit toasty. With the temperature still hovering in the triple digits, one of the best ways to cool down your body and tickle your taste buds is to create delicious non-cooked recipes. One of my favorites is this week’s cantaloupe salsa recipe. Typically cantaloupe is reserved for fruit trays or maybe a refreshing smoothie but in my house, there has never been a fruit that hasn’t also made it into one of my many salsa creations. The delicious cantaloupe is low in calories and is chocked full of vitamin A, C, beta carotene and is also a rich source of potassium.
Please enjoy this week’s refreshing cantaloupe salsa recipe… Try it with my homemade baked tortilla chips, as a great salad dressing or top off your favorite mushroom tacos or enchiladas with this sweet and refreshing salsa.
Please let me know your favorite ways you have incorporated this cantaloupe salsa into your own meals!
Beautiful healthy hugs,