Fruity Chia Pudding
Pump Up The Protein!
Creamylicious goodness for breakfast, dessert or anytime fun time treat is on your way via this raw Fruity Chia Pudding, which lets you indulge your sweet cravings in a healthy, plant-based, no-sugar-no-dairy kind of way!
This delicious chia pudding serves the freshest and flavorful fruits that are naturally satisfying. A super easy and quick pudding recipe that requires lots of fun with no cooking.
The Fruity Chia Pudding will absolutely become your newest favorite pudding ever! This indulgence is a fantastic substitute for ice cream if you are thinking of going the healthier route. It is a very simple yet powerful way to effortlessly get the benefits of chia seeds…
Serve this with your favorite fruits as toppings and experience epic tastiness!
Fruity Chia Pudding
¼ cup fresh strawberries, chopped
¼ cup fresh blueberries
1 banana, sliced
½ cup chia seeds
2 cups milk (almond milk or coconut milk in carton not in can)
zest and juice of ½ lemon
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons maple syrup
- Combine all the ingredients in a large, sealable container. Make sure the chia seeds are mixed in well.
- Let sit overnight or for at least 8 hours.
- Serve cold with your toppings of choice!
P.S. I would like to hear from you. Just shoot me an email at if you have any questions, thoughts or ideas that you want to share with me! =)
Question: What do you think is the perfect partner for this snack? What other fruits or ingredients do you wish to add to this recipe to create more flavor? Post your feedback in the comments section below! Send in your request recipes too!
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That looks awesome
and tastes great! hope you can try this soon!
I really enjoyed making this today! I added some fresh raspberries and it tasted good!
So glad you like it! Sure love to put some raspberries in my chia pudding too! =)
Love how easy and healthy this chia pudding is, and the fruits too
That’s awesome! Hope you can also share this recipe to your freinds and family! =)
Can I use flax seeds instead of chia?
I don’t think so… but if it works, please let me know! =)