Meatless Monday – B&B Hummus
The Mystery is Unveiled.. What Does B&B Stand For?
Bean & Beet! Don’t be shy, those of you who aren’t currently beet lovers, you will be after today! This dish is perfect for veggie or pita dipping, as a salad dressing, and as a pasta or quinoa mixture. The creamy hummus made of the savory beans and tasty beets creates the perfect Fall snack!
Now let me drop the beet V-Nessa 2-Chamberlin style and lay down some health fact tracks for you!
Beans – In this recipe we are using black beluga lentils, which are beaming with health! Recent studies by the scientists in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in the United States have found that the color pigment within the black beluga lentil holds Anthocyanins; this is the source of the blue, purple, and red color of various berries, fruits and vegetables. This pigment also acts as a very strong antioxidant which protects the body from oxidative damage which may lead to heart disease, cancer and ageing. Did you know that black beluga lentils are packed with protein. Fifty grams contain as much protein as 67 grams of beef! These deceptively tiny seeds are also powerhouses of fiber, folate and magnesium. The message is clear – support your heart health and overall wellness by digging into a delicious serving of black beluga lentils!
Beets – Did you know that beets are the second largest source of sugar, after sugar cane? Beets are nutrient-packed with Potassium, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, iron; vitamins A, B & C; beta-carotene, beta-cyanine; folic acid. They are an amazing cleanser for the liver, and work as a purifier for the blood, and can even prevent various forms of cancer. Beets are also great for your mental health! They contain betaine, the same substance that is used in certain treatments of depression.. and if that’s not enough beets are also an amazing source of energy. Fun Beet Facts – 1. One of the first known uses of beets was by the ancient Romans, who used them medicinally as an aphrodisiac. And that’s not just urban legend – science backs it up.
2. Beets were served in space when the astronauts of Apollo 18 met up with their brethren in Soyuz 19!
I think I’ve convinced you enough! Here’s the recipe for this amazing meal:
½ cup black beluga lentils, rinsed
2 medium beets, peeled and cut into chunks
1 clove garlic, peeled
2 tablespoons black sesame seeds
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
Sea salt, to taste
1. Drain and rinse lentils. Bring lentils, beet and 2 cups of water to a boil in medium saucepan. Reduce
heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer 1 hour* or until water is absorbed.
2. Drop garlic into food processor while running to finely chop. Add sesame seeds, lemon juice, zest, and
salt; process until creamy. Add lentils and beets, and blend on high until smooth. Season to taste.
*Soak lentils the night before and cook for 15 – 20 minutes or rinse and cook for 1 hour.
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Question: How did you like this recipe? Any suggestions or requests for future Meatless Monday recipes? I would love to hear your feedback in the comments section below.
Looks delish and healthy! =)
It definitely is! There are so many amazing nutrients, plus the gorgeous purple shade makes it fun for the kiddos as well